The youth list – or Murtaugh list

Have u guys ever watch ‘The Bucket List’? It’s a movie starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. In this movie, these 2 guys created a list of things they need to do before they die. I am 20 now and I really want to do something really great before I die. So as I’m still so far away from that stage (unless-god forbid-someone kill me tomorrow) so I’m creating the list of things I have to do before I get old (or it is called the Murtaugh List in How I Met Your Mother. How old is OLD? Maybe 30? Or lets set the time to… before I get married? So I’ll put some things here, and I might need u guys to CHALLENGE me. Yeap, that’s right. CHALLENGE ME!!

I’ll try to do it and make a check list under a section of my blog down there. And I will check it once I’ve done it. But, the list has to be:

  1. Attainable – u probably can but u wont
  2. Challenging – u probably can or cant do it so u want me to do it
  3. Not death risk (please don’t) – no fire burning my body as a challenge
  4. Not going to destroy my image – u cant ask me to yell at an old people
  5. It has to make sense – u cant ask me to have a kid at the age of 22
  6. Memorable – “remember that time when winson…”
  7. A bit crazy or funny – I need to be shameless lol
  8. Part of living the life to the fullest – it’s fun, it’s crazy and it’s our youth baby!!

So I need u guys to put your challenges in the comment thread below and I wont take all. I will limit it to 25… wait erm… 20. Ah no, I’ll take 30 and if I do 25, I’m awesome but if I do 30, I’m super awesome ;p

So here is the youth list so far:

1. Get 5 different dates to 5 different weddings

2. Do skydiving (submitted by Wina - she really wants to kill me)

3. Sing in the street for money (or we call it “ngamen”)

4. Go to 2 different dates in a night (woo-hoo)

5. Act drunk and go to ladies room

I will update this, as soon as I finish a challenge, I’ll put the picture (if there are pictures) or any evidence and I’ll check the list on my blog.. so follow me on this blog and I swear it’ll be damn entertaining for ya..

so think bout it and gimme a damn good challenge fellas!!

things that I want to have in my future house

I was bored all night and I cant sleep so I decided to chat wif some friends and he said that he wants to have a great garden in his house later on. So I was wandering… hmmm what do I want to have in my house later?

So… here goes:

Mini bar

Yeap, first things that came to my mind: party and drink. I always need this, I love to drink especially with my friends around. Well if I have this in my house I can invite u guys to come over to taste my new mix of cocktails maybe?


I am so into fashion but not really a fashionable guy (I do think too fashionable makes a guy so gay) so I might need this to put all my fancy cloths and suits? And shoes of course. So it’s on the list.

Garage like a showroom

This is one of my dream to have a garage that looks like a showroom. Not that I want to have lots of cars, but I do have some dream cars in mind. And they’ll look awesome with this garage.

Home gym

I’m very aware of health and I want to stay fit so I want to work out in the place that is very convenient. And there’s no place like home, so why not?

Multi functional basement

This is the best part. I really want to have a basement that can be use for everything. Karaoke, party, game night, u name it. But most importantly, to hang out with friends and family.

Living room that full of sky

I want my house to be a lil bit romantic and comfy, so I want to have a living room that has the sky view. Means I need a big window in my living room so that I can clearly see the sky at night and full of lights in the afternoon. Sounds cool eh?

So what do u want to have in ur future house?