my intention was to talked to my boss in republic about my exam schedule while vero was goint to the pos malaysia to send something for her sister..
fera? she was just sticking around.. lol
so after we finished our business, we were walking around pyramid.. and then.. we saw a lot of people in front of TOPSHOP with some barricades..

guess what..?
TOPSHOP is on sale!! 20%
summore.. it's only for student.. u hv to present ur student id to enter
cool..!! (that was the first thing that came to my mind
so then all of us started the hunt into TOPSHOP..
it was very crowded there..
and.. i couldnt stand it!! so i went out of the shop and started taking pictures

see..? its the discount poster that was put outside TOPSHOP..
but then fera and vero was taking too long inside..
so i decided to check'em out.. but i couldnt find'em
when i was looking at the crowd.. i realized that..
it's only marketing strategy..!!
see.. the poster said that "20%off on all regular item prices"
but i think that a lot of stuff is actually under price reduction in TOPSHOP recently
sumtimes it was half price discount as well..
so it wasnt really worth it
so.. i think the strategy here is this..
my hypotesis: is that TOPSHOP is reducing the 'guilty' feeling of the consumers by helding a student discount.. why? so that when they bought it.. they will say "it's ok.. it's on discount"
so they wont feel guilty to spend a lot of money just because it is DISCOUNT!! and the target is perfect.. STUDENS!! why? coz sumtimes i oso save money and wait until sale season to spend it..!
so i decided not to buy based on my hypothesis.. and say
"i'm not gonna be fooled by this"-proudly of coz
here are some situation in TOPSHOP